I was born, raised, and still live in Massachusetts, even though I reject the idea that snow and cold are ever a good thing. (Yes, I'm a true summer girl at heart!) Regardless of the season, though, I'm always writing, a passion which was ignited in third grade, when my classroom performed a play I had written. It was about a witch and a kidnapped girl and a brave crew of adventurers who set out to save the day.
Even though I've always dreamed of being a writer, though, it never quite seemed a dream that was within reach. I wrote a few stories, but they always stalled before I reached "THE END." So I concentrated on reading a lot (a lot!!!) instead, devouring The Baby-Sitters Club & Sweet Valley Twins, Nancy Drew & Anne of Green Gables, Judy Blume & Mary Higgins Clark. It wasn't until I had my first daughter that I started getting serious about writing, buckling down during her naptime to work on my first book until I finally had a finished draft. My fifth manuscript, P.S. I MISS YOU, became my first published book in March 2018.
I received my Master's in Library Science from Simmons University in 2010 and have worked in public libraries as a Teen/Children's Librarian, a Reference Librarian, and a Head of Circulation. I am also an eating disorder recovery advocate, and my second novel, GOOD ENOUGH, was partially based on my own struggle with and recovery from anorexia nervosa.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, running, board games, trivia, swimming, and ice cream (mint chocolate chip if possible).